Tuesday, December 11, 2012

God is Down to Earth

“And the Word became flesh
 and lived among us.” John 1:14
In the beginning it was this directing, controlling Word which put order in the universe and mind in women and men. John states an incredible, startling fact unheard of in his first century world: the Word, the power, the dynamic, the reason that orders and controls the world “has become flesh and dwells among us.” John goes on to say that “we have seen with our eyes… and touched with our hands… the Word of life.” (1 John 1:1-2) John’s message is that this Word has come to the earth in human form. God, who was so distant, is now near. Now that Word has been uttered by a human being, who lived among us like other human beings, now a human being shows us the splendor of divine nature in terms of a personal character and social action, and finds us where we live. In other words, in Jesus Christ, God is down to earth.

The world’s memorable people are not only talented, but down-to-earth and approachable. Abraham Lincoln was known for his leadership in uniting a divided nation. What people loved about Lincoln, was his down-to-earth nature. Desmond Tutu had a willingness to be a down-to-earth bishop who stood with blacks in Soweto until apartheid was finally overcome. Albert Schweitzer was appreciated, not for his intellectual capacity, but for being down-to-earth in his servant hood to the people of Africa. In Christ, God is approachable. It was by the incarnation that God came to the earth, becoming accessible to all. Jesus knew life as we know it. Therefore, in the midst of our anguish, pain, and disappointment, we can cry out and say “Lord, you know how it is!” God does, for God had a son who lived among us full of grace and truth.

This Advent/Christmas season, may you ponder anew the Good News of the season, “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given.” God has come down to earth to whisper His love in our ears, comfort us with embracing arms, and lead us with compassion and wisdom. What better gift could we receive this Christmas?

Go with God,
Pastor Qualley  

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