Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are We There Yet?


“Are we there yet?” It’s not just children of a certain age who ask that question, although they certainly do. I’ve been on a number of trips with delayed flights, missed connections, and lost luggage, where I’ve been the one asking the question. Leading up to Christmas, the question becomes one of time rather than distance: “Is it here yet?” The author to the Hebrews writes with an interesting antithesis–run with patience. Just exactly how do you do that? It uses a figure of speech from the races of the first century world; this verse says that life is like a long distance marathon, calling for good conditioning, proper strategy, and great endurance.

When it comes to trials and tribulations we speak of the patience of Job. Job went through a period of testing: his cattle were stolen, his sons killed, his wife deserted him, and he became victim of a terrible illness. He kept his balance because he held to the conviction that God had a purpose in all this experience for him. He kept running his course with patience. It is said that patience is a wise teacher. Only as one searches and struggles, blindly at times, waiting, wondering, seeking, questioning, patiently moving step by step, does one find that which is hidden for only the enduring eye to see. Sometimes we might even have to wait until we see it from heaven’s side. Patience is the homework of life: preparation for every experience. It is the creative waiting, the sound assurance that “this too shall pass,” and on the other side of the mist the sun still shines and God still cares.

In this Advent/Christmas season we learn to practice patience. Whether children or adults, the question “Are we there yet?” still bubbles up from within. May we rest assured in the unshakable faith in the providence of God. Old doors may close, but new doors have a strange way of swinging silently open. Accepting the gift of the days still to come, “Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, our eyes fixed on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2

Go with God,
Pastor Qualley  

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