Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Living Gratefully is a Sign of Faith

St. Paul advised us to give thanks in all circumstances.  The ability to develop a spirit of gratitude regardless of our situation is a statement that we believe that God is at a work in our universe and that all things work to the good for those who love him.  Such an attitude makes for a joy and a peace that is beyond price.

Charles Spurgeon writes about a weathervane on the roof of a farm building that said, “God is love.”  “Do you think God’s love is as changeable as that weathervane?” asked another farmer.  “You miss the point. It’s on the weathervane because no matter which way the wind is blowing, God is still love.”

There have been times in my life when things were difficult and I felt far too inadequate.  I would turn to my devotional book and would underline things like this, “We have too small a conception of God, of his greatness, of His almighty power, of His wisdom, and of His love.  The Lord is far greater than we can understand.  In the struggle of life there are many things that go against us or make us restless and afraid.  At such times, we turn to Jesus and in His presence we are quieted.”

Praise may easily stop when days are dark and troubles are many.  Do not let that happen.  The most beautiful singers among the birds learn their songs in the night.  If God leads us into darkness, it is only that we may learn the better how to sing.  The songs of praise will make the night light and good.”

We anchor our lives on the promises of scripture, “In this world you will face trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, and not as the world gives do I give you peace, so set your troubled hearts at rest.”

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