Thursday, November 1, 2012

From Vision to Reality

A family was driving through Kansas on vacation. Five-year-old Tyler was looking out the car window. “Boy,” he said, “it’s so flat out there, you can look farther than you can see.” That’s a great phrase, “You can look farther than you can see.” In the early 1930’s an engineer named Joseph Strauss looked out over San Francisco Bay. In his mind he formed a picture of a beautiful bridge connecting the two sides of the bay. In 1936 the Golden Gate Bridge became a reality. He looked farther than he could see. The world looks to people with vision.

We are engaged in a presidential election process and we hope to elect a president who has vision. People of conscience look at our public healthcare system and cry for a vision of how to care for the uninsured, scientists look at the troubling signs of rising global temperatures and hope for a vision of how to stave off a potential crisis. That’s the power of vision. Nothing happens without vision. Vision helps people to look farther than they can see.

Vision and faith go hand in hand. The Lord said, “All things are possible to the one who believes.” May we continue to move boldly into each new day with the certainty that God will go before us to show us the way, beside us to befriend us, behind us to encourage us, above us to watch over us, and within us to give us peace.

Go with God,
Pastor Qualley

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