Tuesday, October 16, 2012


As I was growing up in Minnesota, the members of our rural community shared a gift that made a profound impression on me. No one in our community was wealthy. They were farmers living from crop to crop, adding slightly to that income with dairy cows, chickens, and pigs. They were hard working people, working long days, whether under the hot summer sun or during wintry months when the temperature would never get above zero degrees. Etched on my memory is the fact that these folks decided they needed a new church for generations that would follow. It seemed as if every family was committed to being involved. Everyone gave generously. They insisted on doing all the work themselves so no one would need to be “hired.” The women provided wonderful meals to the workers who diligently worked in spare moments to build Alma Lutheran Church in the country. They completed building it debt free. That church still looks wonderful fifty years later. I rejoiced for the opportunity to speak at their 125th anniversary in 2006, thanking them for my spiritual roots.
We have done it again, built a church building in Clifton so that Jesus Christ will be more than just a name. Jesus Christ will be a friend who can see us through the best of times and the worst of times. Our multi-campus concept is also becoming a model for churches across the nation where a new style of ministry is emerging, one congregation on multiple sites. When we started this process, there were only a few such congregations. Now there are well over one hundred ELCS congregations either expanding into main-site congregations or planning such an expansion in the near future.

George Barna says, “Vision is the single most important dimension of a successful ministry.” Lord of Life is a congregation of vision and has been from its founding days over 40 years ago. 

There are four levels of vision:
Those who simply never see a vision: the Wanders.
Those who see the vision but never catch it: the Followers.
Those who see the vision and personally own it: the Achievers.
Those who see, own, and help others catch the vision: the Leaders.


We are blessed with many leaders at Lord of Life! We are limited only by our vision and commitment. God has a plan. All He needs is a people. Not just any people, but those with ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to understand. His message has not changed, but we must. And when we do, we will without a doubt fulfill our greatest destiny as a people called out by God.

Go with God!
Pastor Qualley   

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