Tuesday, October 2, 2012

An Important Piece

One of my interests is in putting jigsaw puzzles together. During the January 2010 blizzard, Sandy and I completed a 1000 piece puzzle. It was a picture of birds at the bird feeder on a beautiful summer day. In the midst of the snow storm, it was a reminder that summer would be coming. There are instant rewards when you find another piece that slowly completes the picture. The body of Christ can often resemble a large jigsaw puzzle that was just dumped out of the box onto the table. The pieces can seem jumbled together without any sense of cohesion, but as you examine the various shapes, you soon begin to figure out how certain pieces will join to others. Connecting one part to the next, the big picture gradually comes into focus as you begin to see how other pieces fit into place.

Every person in the family of God is given specific gifts. This could be a gift of teaching, music, leadership, writing, hospitality, or even compassion. It could be the transformation of a talent you already have, or a completely new ability God gives to you. It may not be clear at first how your specific gift will fit in. You may even be hesitant to use your gift out of fear that others will think it unimportant. However, it is important to remember that every gift from God is significant. When you fail to contribute your gift, you withhold pieces necessary to complete the big picture that makes up the body of Christ; like that frustrating last puzzle piece that is missing, withholding your gift leaves gaping holes in the body that could be used to bless others.

Rely upon the grace of God and trust that the gifts He has given will fit together to make the body of Christ stronger as a whole. God has entrusted each of us with unique gifts that will strengthen and inspire the body of Christ. Thanks for your partnership in putting the pieces of the puzzle together as we live out the gospel in word and deed.

Go with God,
Pastor Qualley

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