Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thinking of the Future

The 40th Anniversary edition of the Smithsonian magazine featured a cover with the words “40 Things You need to Know about the Next Forty Years.” That’s looking to 2050, way past my time and perhaps many of yours too! According to one writer, “Within the next 40 years, most Americans believe the United States will get the bulk of its energy from sources other than oil. Computers will converse like people. Cancer will be cured and artificial limbs will outperform natural ones. Astronauts will land on Mars and ordinary people will travel in space…and the U.S. will face severe water shortages.” All of these thoughts are not surprising but in the next 40 years there are going to be a whole lot of changes to the way our friends and neighbors live their lives.

LOL Quilters make quilts to be distributed by 
Lutheran World Relief wherever they are needed throughout the world.
The number that jumps out at me about 2050 is 100 million, that is, 100 million more people with whites no longer being in the majority and current minority populations exceeding 50% by that time. This population increase is not necessarily a bad thing, but these numbers and changes in demographics present a challenge for us as a faith community at Lord of Life.

LOL Confirmation Retreat

As Lord of Life approaches her 44th year of life as a Christian community, this congregation has been blessed by a strong, forward thinking, committed lay and pastoral staff. We have been blessed these past 40 years, but the future is ahead of us and awaits our commitment. An increase of 100 million new people with significant population diversification, what does that say about planning for the future of this congregation? I know it is difficult for us to think about the distant future let alone five years from now because, “Today’s troubles are sufficient for today.” As the lawyer asks of Jesus, “What must we do to inherit eternal?” So we must ask how we are going to bring the Way, the Truth, and the Life to the neighbor generations that follow.

Think and pray on these things!
Pastor Knauff  

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