Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thank You Lord for this Nation

A little girl took a trip to New York City with her father. They took a boat trip and saw the Statue of Liberty guarding the entrance to the harbor. The girl was fascinated with the history of the grand lady of liberty. As they returned across the bay that evening, the daughter stood by the boat’s railing and watched the lady, who held the lighted torch, recede in the distance. That night the little girl tossed on her pillow. She sat up and her father asked her what was wrong. She said, “Daddy, I was thinking about that lady out there in the dark with nobody to help her hold up her lamp. Shouldn’t we help her?”

Some people look at a country with the eyes of a critic and wonder what is worth saving. Others ride like barnacles on the ship, looking for a free ride, without ever helping to hoist the sails that enable progress. But we give thanks to those who feel indebted to their county for the freedom which, though fragile, still lives on. They still desire to help Miss Liberty hold aloft her lamp to the world.

Have you ever looked at your house with a scrutinizing eye? If you do, you will find errors made by the carpenters. There may be a slight leak in the faucet. The room arrangement might be unhandy. However, let your house catch fire, and as you see it being consumed by the flames, you see much more than faults. You see your home, and you realize that even though there are some negative things about it, the good things far outweigh them.

How do you say thanks to God for your country? It is not just saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, involvement is the answer. We must prune the diseased branches of injustice and deceit and ask that God govern the affairs of its people. We must work to preserve the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. So we give thanks for our nation. Gratitude dose not just watch history march by, it makes history.

Pastor Qualley  

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