Thursday, July 12, 2012


The air these days is full of promises. One might even say we are a generation besieged with promises. Television commercials, political campaigns and personal relationships all seem to become processes in which promises are the basis to persuade us to a variety of actions and opinions. If we believe the maker of the promises, we follow a course of action that basically concludes that the promise is an indication of a reality that will happen. It is a matter of faith.

The ancient nature of our transaction with God is that he makes promises to human beings. He is not running for office, of course, but in his love for us and our need of assurance that our life on earth is more than just an accident of cosmic evolution, he has made promises to us.

I was struck by a text not long ago that was translated in a curious way in the Good News Bible. It was when the messenger of God announced to Abraham that he would have offspring, “as many as the stars in the sky.” Then the text goes on, “Abraham believed God…and God was pleased.” The more precise translation is, no doubt, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.” (Genesis 15:5) This last is the more familiar form of the verse. The translator, however, takes the verse and holds it up as a human and non-judicial pre-historic portrait of how God seeks to be understood by us. You and I are enlarged when we are trusted. Life becomes a positive and affirming adventure. When trust is present, the creative spirit is made free to explore and utilize all of the energies available to us. When we are believed, we are spared the energies and efforts needed to guarantee our credibility.

God promises to be the Living God in our midst. You can probably recite from memory as many instances of “promises” from the Bible as can I. My point is not to catalogue them, but to recognize that we need to distinguish between the self-serving promises flung at us by the commercial and political world of our time, and on the other hand, the ancient and absolute reliability of the promises inherent in the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as the scriptures that offer us an awareness of what God will provide from day to day.

Trusting the promises of God is not only a wise and blessed course to take in life, there is also the aspect of “pleasing” Him, a way in which human beings have a unique capacity to truly affirm and respond to His love for us.

Pastor Jansen

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