Saturday, June 2, 2012

Love is a Verb

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.” Mathew 22:37-39

Among the parts of speech common in the English language is the verb. As we learned in early grammar, the verb is an action word, a word used to express motion or exertion. When we classify any word as a verb, we give it a special meaning: we intend for it to symbolize an act, a deed, something accomplished, something done.  

The word love, among other things, is a verb. As used in the New Testament by Christ, the author of love, it is almost always associated with specific actions or deeds. To love our neighbor as Jesus described it is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit the sick. To love our enemy is to pray for them and treat them with kindness, and even to turn the other cheek. And to love God is to keep His commandments. In each case, love is defined in terms of action.
Then Christian love is not merely a principle, thought, or expression. To be properly defined it must go beyond theory to active demonstration and application. The above verses are mandates to act. It is no more possible to truly love God and people without action than it is to transmit light by memorizing Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Because of love the universe was organized; the stars and planets set in their respective orbits; and human beings, the spiritual offspring of God, started upon the path to eternal life. It was the sublime love of Christ, which led Him to the cross to act out in agony His final demonstration of universal affection.

Lord of Life has chosen outreach this year as one of our key initiatives. Part of our outreach is that of compassionate service. Our words and deed are to reflect the love of Jesus. Consider how you can make a difference in the lives of others. Remember the thoughts and words of love require works of love. It is not only for those we love but also for the friend or stranger who we encounter in daily life. For love is a verb.

Sharing His love,
Pastor Qualley

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