Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Gift of Giving

Robert Fulghum says that he placed alongside the mirror in his bathroom a picture of a woman who is not his wife. That’s risky business! Every morning as he stood there shaving he looked at the picture of that woman. The picture is of a small humped-over woman wearing sandals, a white robe and white and blue head scarf. She is surrounded by important-looking people in tuxedos, evening gowns, and the regalia of royalty. It is the picture of Mother Teresa receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Fulghum said he keeps that picture there to remind him that more than a president of any nation, more that any pope, more than a chief executive officer of a major corporation, that woman has authority because she is a servant.

Obviously, we can’t all be Mother Teresa, but we can all live in that spirit. In our own ways, we can all learn to give. We begin by first giving ourselves. It is the inevitable result of a grateful heart. It was embedded in my mind and heart early in my childhood when I would gather in youth meeting and sing, “Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on one. Melt me, mold me. Fill me, use me.” That includes both my time and my talent. Have you ever noticed how your time follows your interests?

We add to that our resources. Money follows your heart. Jesus worded it this way, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Money is nothing more than congealed personality. It is a barometer of our Christian discipleship.

We are blessed to be part of a church family that has a mission and ministry that reflects the grace and love of God to people of all ages and in all places. What a privilege it is to offer ourselves, our time, and our possessions. There is no better way in spending ourselves than by helping one another. We ask everyone to make a commitment in this ministry with your time, talent and treasure. When we give, love is no longer just an idea, it is an action. I know that we can do great things as we together offer ourselves, our time and our possessions. It will be our response to our bountiful God!

Go with God,
Pastor Qualley    

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