Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Lenten Season

I know people who just don’t like the church season of Lent. They say that it’s dreary, somber, and too focused on the negative, namely our sinfulness. I’ve known it to be described as a “nagging killjoy” as we talk about trying to change bad behavior and combating evil thoughts. It can sometimes feel like a time of self-absorption and selfishness; after all, it is a season in which we are encouraged to look inward and focus on becoming better people.

Yes, this is Lent and it does often take a more serious tone. And yes, we are encouraged to look inward; however, it’s with the ultimate goal of looking outward. There is also so much richness and joy to the season for which we often do not give it credit.

It is kind of like the Law. We have the Law and some probably also describe it as a “killjoy” giving us direction as to how we should live even when we want to go wild and do our own thing. But the Law is in fact, a gift. It helps bring some order out of an often chaotic world. Perhaps most especially, it shows us our sin and helps us to recognize that we are in need of a Savior. It points us to Christ and the Good News of Jesus through whom we come to have the hope of salvation and to know peace and joy.

Lent too points us to Christ and the Good News of Jesus. We recognize our sin and know that we can’t do life on our own. We begin to see that it’s not about us and our actions, but about Jesus, the One whom God sent to take away our sins. This is how we are able to look outside of ourselves and find joy in knowing that we can do nothing; Christ has done it all.
God’s Peace!
Pastor Darcy

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