Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Living Waters for Thirsty Souls

Water is an essential part of our very lives.  It never ceases to amaze me that my body is seventy percent water.  It is hard to imagine that seventy percent of my flesh is water. 

There are two and half quarts of water in my blood.  There are 15 quarts of water in the extra plasma in my body.  There are 30 quarts of water in the cells of my body, allowing all the little cells to grow.  It amazes me that I am 150 pounds of living water.

It amazes me that I cannot live without water, that water is more important to my diet than food.  It amazes me that I can exist for 30 days without food, but that I can’t exist more than one to four days without water.  It amazes me how absolutely necessary water is for my body to exist.

It is also amazing that during our first nine months of life, we were in the water of our mother’s womb.  We began in a bag of living water.  We could not live without that water surrounding us.  The water around us was truly the water of life.

Water is part of our everyday life.  Water is part of our essential life.

It is with these images that we hear the great words of Jesus when he says, “The water I give is living water.  Whoever drinks of the water I give will never thirst. He who believes in me, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.  The rivers of living water I give will become a spring of living water, welling up into eternal life.

What is this living water? The living water is the Holy Spirit.  The living water is the Spirit of Jesus and his love.  Jesus answers this clearly in John 7.  The living water is the Spirit of God himself.  And the person who believes in Christ, the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God’s love comes and lives in that person.  The living water is the spirit of the living God, the very essence of God, God’s love, God’s forgiveness, God’s words, God’s wisdom, God’s feelings, God’s attitudes, and God’s actions. It is the very presence of God.  It is the very presence of Jesus.

What Jesus wants for us is that he will pour into our hearts rivers of living water and out from you will also flow rivers of living water.



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