Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Undaunted Courage

Stephen Ambrose has written a bestselling account of the Lewis and Clark expedition in a book called, Undaunted Courage. I’ve enjoyed reading about Lewis and Clark battling nearly insurmountable problems: hunger, fatigue, desertion, enemies, severe illness and death. They had reached the headwaters of the Missouri River. All their advance information had led them to believe that once they reached the continental divide, they would face about a half-day portage, and then reach the waters of the Columbia River and float safely to the Pacific Ocean. They thought the hard part was behind them.

Meriwether Lewis left the rest of his party behind to climb the bluffs that would enable him to see the other side. Imagine what he felt when, rather than seeing a gentle sloping valley, he saw the Rocky Mountains. Crossing the Rockies would be perhaps the supreme achievement of the whole trip. This challenge would call forth enormous creativity and perseverance but would also provide them with spectacular sights and unforgettable memories.

We could image that finally getting our Clifton campus opened; we could float into the future. However, I believe that God has challenges before us–maybe something like the Rocky Mountains. Two ministry campuses require generous commitment of time, talent and measure of every one of us. We are launching into the future with a bold ministry plan that is not for the faint of heart. We are called to share the Gospel in a growing unchurched culture. Children and youth are growing up in our communities without any connection to the Christian faith. Households are stressed with the daily cares of life. The economy and real estate markets have added further pressure.

Yet we move forward because we are people of God on a mission, “That ALL may know Jesus and His love for them!” We move into the future not only with the strength of each one of you but with God going before us to show us the way, beside us to befriend us, behind us to encourage us, above us to watch over us, and within us to give us peace. I like how John Quincy Adams puts it, “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.” Scriptures put it this way, “[We] can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Thanks for being people
 of adventure and faith!

Pastor Qualley

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